According to the Fitbit sleep tracking it seems that I generally get more REM sleep if I sleep with the TV on. Not that I necessarily trust the accuracy of the sleep-stage tracking but I still find it interesting that there seems to be a direct correlation between whatever data the Fitbit is gathering and whether or not the TV is on while I’m sleeping.

Gonna have to run an experiment on this for a while.

When everything is nails all you need is a hammer

Physical host of the ephemeral website and home of the Pambulon Heights Donut Club actual

Today I’d like to spruce up the global, nay Intergalactic HQ  of the Pambulon Heights Donut Club. Order of instructions:

  1. Write this post.
  2. Procrastinate
  3. ???


Then at some point I’ll tidy up this desk which is housing the laptop serving this, and other websites.

EDIT: This post has been written so I’ve stricken item 1.

EDIT 2: It’s about closing time and I still haven’t gotten to this today so I’ve also stricken item 2. Pretty good! I accomplished two of the three things on my list. That makes for a pretty productive day if I say so myself.

If only I knew what the third thing was supposed to be. For all I know I might have accidentally accomplished that one too.

All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi…

I just wanted to accomplish one basic task today. But in order to complete that task I had to do some other task, which revealed yet another necessary task, and so forth and so on. That is how today has been.

Got the nginx and wordpress ssl stuff working reasonably well. There are still a few tweaks I would like to make but things are seemingly stable at the moment. I’ll probably explain the reasoning in a  future post.

Still need to get the database issues with wordpress and my virtual hosts figured out but that should be relatively easy. Mostly just migrating this database to something more site-specific, and then I’ll be as right as dodgers for this after.

And right as I was editing this post I used Mouse Without Borders to connect to my other Windows machine (actually the one hosting this site’s VM at the moment) to start a new DVD in DVD Decrypter, somehow managed to accidentally do something with the CAPS LOCK key when manually naming a VIDEO_TS directory and now the indicator LED on the keyboard won’t show when I’m typing IN CAPS on that machine. I know it’s not a hardware problem with this Corsair K70 LUX because it works fine on this PC.

Once the laptop finishes decrypting this DVD I’ll restart it and see if that fixes it. EDIT: noticed something strange happened with the Synaptics Touchpad driver. Hmm. Yes. I suppose a reboot is in order.

Constantly one more task…

EDIT 2: I’m stupid. Of course when using Mouse Without Borders the CAPS LOCK indicator LED would correspond with the PC that is being used and not necessarily the physical keyboard on which one is typing. I would not have expected that behavior and it even might have been different with a previous version of this utility but this is indeed how it is now. In my case it was the remote PC’s CAPS LOCK indicator LED that was toggling with the CAPS LOCK state, and not the LED on the local K70 when typing into the remote PC. To be fair to myself I have been keeping the laptop lid closed recently so didn’t notice this until opening the lid to check out the touchpad. At least I’m glad I figured it out.

So, what was I doing before this again? Eh, time for a walk.




Finally starting to get this thing set up us the bomb.

Things to do:

  1. get better wp theme
  2. other things

and that is a **non-exhaustive list of things to do.

It’s been a few years since being active in the *nix world so despite many years of experience with various GNU/Linux systems I’m a bit rusty with the cli stuff. Partly due to forgetting the finer points of shell commands like one-liners with cat, grep, awk and friends, partly due to systemd making almost everything I previously knew about server admin obsolete and partly due to simply being out of the loop.

Had this laptop sitting on my desk for a while not doing much of anything so decided to host some VMs on it and see what happens. Got a nice VPS running at the moment, soon to get a lot nicer. Might even start developing a Linux-from-scratch system again though probably based on Debian rather than Slackware this time around. Nothing against Slackware, I still consider Slack 8.1 the cleanest, best OS of all time but I’ve been spoiled by apt(8) et al.

Looking forward to getting back into this. Fun to have something to tinker with again.

*One may note the transliteration of “й” to “y” here and to “i” elsewhere. Apparently both are valid but google seems to think “zdravstvuyte” is more common than “zdravstvuite”. The more you know!

**If you’re wondering how this list could be “non-exhaustive” when it concludes with the non-terminating catch-all “other things” which, to a rational mind, would seem in-and-of itself exhaustive, note that it does not include “other other things”, etc. ad infinitum. Thank you for your time.

*This one is not actually a footnote, just a wildcard abbrev. for [Li]nux, [U]nix, etc., though I suppose technically not a proper wildcard considering it fails to match the “nux” part of “Linux”. Never noticed that before. Perhaps I should have put *n?x

Actually, I guess it is a footnote now, but it wasn’t intended that way.