Matrix ][ Trance Mix

This tune. First found it on a CD of free .mp3 files that came with a spindle of, IIRC, Memorex CDR discs sometime in 2000.

This was one of the first legitimate .mp3 tunes (as opposed to downloading from e.g. Napster) that I actually listened to, used to have it in my “computer stuff” playlist so it would pop up when I’d be programming or something. I don’t usually like electronica so this tune is not something I’d normally find appealing but the part of this tune starting at 1:46 reminded me of a good friend I’ll never see again.

So I had this tune on the CD and it was laying around for years but somehow got lost at some point. Then the memory of the tune existing got lost. Occasionally I’d remember something vague about it but not enough to find it again so it became something of an intermittent white whale of mine. That is until sometime late last year when I happened upon some old .mp3 files that I thought had gone missing and painstakingly went through them until I found my whale.

So here it is, Matrix ][ Trance Mix by The Cynic Project

Movie Theater Idea

If I ever open up a movie theater I think it’s gonna have pews and kneelers like a church so people don’t get too cozy and wear out their welcome. Probably also have a confessional so people can tell me how much the movie sucked without fear of divine reprisal from the MPAA.

DIY Literal Foot Powder

As noted in this post from November 26 here is my idea for DIY literal foot powder. Others have also had this idea but I got to the patent office first. Unfortunately the patent officers laughed me out of their little patent club and made me feel real bad but who gets the last laugh now, suckers? In fact they’re still probably chuckling about the clown with the silly ideas from time to time, at my expense no doubt, so it’s probably fair to say they will have the last laugh after all so now I feel bad again. Anyway, without further ado:

DIY Literal Foot Powder featuring Snagglepuss as Himself even!

Xmas time is nigh upon us

Merry Christmas from the Pambulon Heights Donut Club!

The Xmas decorations finally went up at the Pambulon Heights HQ  so the Christmas Spirit® is filling the air. I mean literally, it’s getting hard to breathe in here. On second thought it might be the Pine-Sol, but either way it smells like evergreen trees and I’m catching a nice buzz from all the holiday cheer. Also, feel like I might puke.

How to get sleep dreaming of sandwich dreams

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately due to having these dreams of a sandwich who is, in turn, having dreams of me eating it. It’s very disconcerting and constantly wakes me up so it was with great relief when I stumbled upon this WikiHow graphic that helps explain how to deal with this exact perturbing situation:

Unfortunately I have to wear a wig in my sleep or else the sandwich in my dream won’t recognize me.

Words of wisdom

Some men get grapefruit, some grape get fruitman. But everybody knows grapefruit look big to little men.

Probably made more sense to whoever came up with it but it’s hard to deny the “big-T” Truth to it.

“TROLL DREAMS” Random thought – giving applause to a statue

From a journal entry dated December 6, 2011, trying to remember my dreams from the most recent contemporaneous sleep period:

In a store much like Village Market trying to find ingredients for Thai food — Lemongrass, lime leaves, and something else. I later woke to find that I’d written a note to myself:

“TROLL DREAMS” Random thought – giving applause to a statue

I’m not quite sure what that means…

I don’t know if I woke from a dream within a dream and that note was in the outer dream or if I actually wrote it IRL. But I do vaguely remember thinking it stupendously funny to stand in front of a statue and give it a raucous round of applause while onlookers would pretend to go on about their business, casually unconcerned as to what task or deed the statue did to warrant such a grand reception.

Snow day

Today is a snow day.

Did some shoveling, got a good workout, according to the Fitbit I got 36 minutes of cardio doing so. Not too shabby! Also did some more work on dialing in some server stuff. Finally sat down and started to tinker with some regexes to get a certain something working better, don’t think I have to mention what it is exactly… But I’ll need to wait and see if any bots come by this site with a certain …intention. Yes.

So this is apparently why bottled water has an expiry date

No camera trickery here, this is how these unopened bottles of water, artifacts from 2009, actually look in real life.

It seems that the slow-motion time portal under my stairs distorts plastic bottles as they age. The glass jars, light-bulb, etc. don’t seem as vulnerable to this side-effect of the portal but they are susceptible to the effect of gravity when falling off the shelf, often with horrifying and tragic results.