Mediocre sleep

Didn’t sleep that well last night, been sorta tired all day. Could probably zonk out right now at 6:27 PM, but I’ll try to stay up as long as I can. Would rather go to sleep for the night than take a 2 hour nap and spoil my sleep for the rest of time. Or the rest of the week at least.

Did my Monday workout except for the ab-wheel rollouts which I’ll probably do soon, maybe in a half-hour or so [EDIT: ab-wheel rollouts are done now]. Still got some fried chicken and mac & cheese from dinner sloshing around in the stomach so don’t really want to stir it up more than necessary.

Didn’t add any new exercises today, didn’t feel up to it. Didn’t even really feel like doing the workout at all due to the poor rest last night but I got most of it done anyway. Spent most of the day messing around online and playing Borderlands 2 and Talos Principle VR. I’ve had Borderlands 2 for a few years but never really played it until today. Pretty fun! Got some DLC for it early this morning and let it install overnight.

I’m thinking for the Wednesday and Friday workouts this week I might switch up a bit and do 4 sets of each exercise with fewer reps per set, but with greater volume overall.

I’ll never forget the time..

I’ll never forget the time my buddy insisted he could park his enormous yacht of a car, a 1978 Chevrolet Impala, into this tiny parking spot clearly marked “Motorcycle Parking Only”. Upon getting out of the car I was stunned, in such disbelief that the car actually fit, that I felt like I had become a cantaloupe with hamburgers for pockets. That’s not a metaphor, I mean that literally.

?Pickle Power redux?

I’ve been thinking about it more and more the past couple of days and I struggle to find a situation that is not improved with the invitation of one or more pickles. They are truly remarkable, indeed amazing!

Got Coffee?

I know I do!

The whole coffee/protein shake business this morning really put me off. It didn’t taste very good and made me feel a bit nauseous, not to mention it wasn’t very enticing to the nose nor satisfying to the tongue. Plus, it didn’t really help to wake me up, just got me kinda, ugh. So I went out and got some coffee grounds, enjoying a fresh cuppa right now. Ahhh! Now that’s more like it!

Also got some smooth peanut butter for the morning protein shake ritual because eating chunks of stuff suspended or otherwise immersed in a liquid should only happen in a soup.

у меня нет кофе

I forgot to get coffee grounds yesterday so I couldn’t brew myself a *cuppa (coffee, that is) this morning. Instead, in the spirit of trying something new, I added a heaping teaspoon of instant coffee crystals to my morning protein shake. Of course, if you add the crystals to cold liquid they won’t dissolve and you get these little bursts of bitterness, so I added them to about one ounce of milk and warmed it in the microwave for 11 seconds to get the crystals to dissolve, then just threw it in there. Not too bad, still would rather have a normal cuppa joe though.

Also, accidentally got chunky peanut butter instead of creamy. As one of my shake ingredients it’s a bit disconcerting to have chunks of, well, anything really, in the liquid shake and, unfortunately, unlike coffee crystals, peanut crystals don’t dissolve in heat.

*I hope Her Majesty The Queen won’t have me hanged from a yardarm on the flagship of the Royal Navy for misappropriating “cuppa” to refer to coffee rather than a more civilized beverage.

Commander Adama Eating Noodles

As promised on November 26, 2018, here is Commander Adama eating noodles. From the reboot Battlestar Galactica Premier Miniseries, timestamp 2:53:24, original airdate December 8, 2003.

Even at my most ravenous I don’t think I’ve ever eaten noodles with such precision and vigor.

EDIT: Now I know what you’re thinking, “what would it look like if I could watch that video in reverse?” Well, have I got a treat for you, then!

A might bit peckish

It would seem the hour had arrived to victualize somewhat on a repast of dainty viands.

Or, as one might say “it’s about time for dinner” in the archaic English spirit of Sir Richard Francis Burton’s translation of 1001 Nights, where the protagonist is always “victualizing” “somewhat” of “dainty viands”.

I always thought “Dainty Viands” sounds like it should be a type of *Friskies® cat food that contains nuggets of fish, poultry and veal in the corresponding shape of the animal from which the meat ostensibly derived. The label could have a glamorous, long-hair cat wearing a bejeweled collar and comfortably situated on a divan of delicate fabrics, with the fancy repast laid out in fine tableware in the style of a multi-course dinner. And doilies. Strangely, it turns out “Viand” is already a brand of pet food, though one far less highfalutin than the name should suggest. Missed trademark opportunity on the part of Friskies® if you ask me.

Since I still don’t know precisely what a “dainty viand” is, and whether or not I’ve ever eaten somewhat of one, I suppose a dinner of chicken, box scalloped potatoes and broccoli will have to do.

*I know what you’re thinking, “Dainty Viands” sounds more like a “Fancy Feast® Gourmet Cat Food” kind of branding but in my mind Friskies® beat them to the trademark office. Take that, Nestlé Purina PetCare!

Monday Workout

Monday workout: 2 sets each chinups, dips, foot-elevated bodyweight rows, pushups, sliding hamstring curls and ab-wheel rollouts. On the second sets I managed to get an additional clean rep of chinups and dips, two additional pushups and three more ab-wheel rollouts. Not too shabby if I say so myself. It’s still my intention to gradually increase the volume and variety of exercises each week or so, this week I’m adding the hamstring curls to my workouts whether I ride the bike that day or not.

Babylon 5 season 3 DVD set sitting on a laptop computer
DVD Decrypter ripping Babylon 5 season 3 disc 6 on the same laptop running the VPS.

Went to the library and got the Babylon 5 season 3 DVD set. My method of watching DVDs is a bit convoluted: my main PC doesn’t have a DVD drive and my laptop’s screen is too small to see from my bed so I have to rip the DVDs onto the laptop HDD, then transfer the ripped files to the main PC over the gigabit ethernet dingle-dangle-dongle you see coming out of the right side of the laptop, then I can use VLC or whatnot to view the decrypted and ripped DVDs on the PC with its larger screen and better audio output.

Probably be easier to just spend $25 or so and get a DVD drive for the PC.

Anyway, I’ve been watching the series before bed again recently, sorta skipping some episodes, not necessarily paying close attention to others, and falling asleep through yet other episodes. I’ve already seen the series straight through on maybe four or five occasions by now so I pretty much know what’s gonna happen and when. At this point, the show is just very comfortable, something I can turn on and it requires just enough of my attention to distract my brain from itself but not so much attention so as to require a mental investment which would cause restlessness.

Diving for Donuts

Rendered image of a donut on a plate on a table next to a cup of coffee
Hours of fun with Blender

There should be a gameshow called “Diving for Donuts” where contestants are invited to be blindfolded and dive into a pool of water, using only their mouths to retrieve donuts from the bottom. But the joke is really on them because the donuts would get all soggy and fall apart and the contestant would get a mouthful of mushy, gooey sludge.