Велосипед два

Velociped dva

Bicycle 2

Looks like the weather might be nice today so I’m gonna try the same bike ride I took last time again and see if resetting the wheel size on my CatEye bike computer will make it agree with the GPS distance from my phone. Pretty excited about this because, well, because I get to ride my bike!

Betcha thought it was gonna be the Queen tune. Er, unless.. unless you saw the title in which case, probably not.


Got my first two spam comments on this blog at about 20:40 last night. Both posted ostensibly from Moldova. Apparently word about the Pambulon Heights Donut Club is getting around!

Both SPAM messages are as follows:

In order to make things clear to you, let me define first what is
SEO. Like this require a mind game and knowledge to see various
factors to do on page Optimization. Now a day the demand of content writer become high. https://[REDACTED/]

Margene********@[ALSO REDACTED]

Спасибо большое мои други!

Spasibo bolshoye moi drugi

но я не гопник

No ya ne Gopnik

But I’m not a Gopnik

I sort of want an Adidas tracksuit. Probably mostly because of my Slavic ancestry and it’s apparently in our DNA. I do like the old-school style and  would probably be comfortable wearing it around. And I am pretty good at proper flat-heeled squatting. Wait…

Может быть я гопник?

Mozhet byt ya gopnik?





The weather is nice.

So decided to get out of the house and leave the vim and python and database stuff for later, when the weather is not so nice.

Today was the first bike ride I’ve taken since September and the first one with this Fitbit Charge 3 I bought last month earlier this month.

I’ve seen a couple of these cats around town…
…location of said cat

According to my trusty CatEye Mity 8 bike computer  (which I’ve had for about 10 and a half years) I travelled 11.23 miles. The Fitbit connected-GPS says 10.6 and Strava, which gets its data from my Fitbit profile says 10.64. Quite the discrepancy betwixt between the GPS data and the CatEye. I’m gonna have to *recalibrate the CatEye and try this  ride again later this week. Uhhhhhh-suming the weather holds out, that is.

Regardless of which method I used to calculate the distance, the actual time elapsed door-to-door was the same, and the MPH (or km/h if you prefer) average was rather slow, although I will note that the Fitbit seems to not pause when I do so perhaps that was a reason why it reported the lowest average speed. Strava seems to be more forgiving when it comes to adjusting for stops and reported a higher average. I’m gonna check if adjusting the distance in the CatEye yields a similar average.

[EDIT: just checked, the CatEye still reports faster average but within the right ballpark, about 0.2 MPH faster than Strava. I did not adjust the moving time though, Strava reports about 53 seconds more than the CatEye so that would probably account for a part of the discrepancy. I don’t actually care enough to look any more into this right now. EDIT 2:  yep, that was it. Cейчас всё хорошо]

[EDIT 3: Just realized I forgot to reset the wheel size last time I changed the battery in the CatEye. Silly me. I wonder by how much that will make the odometer distance wrong. Assuming I changed the battery at the beginning of 2016 the discrepancy would be about…

{checking… checking… checking…}


…38.25 miles. Significant but not that bad. I can adjust this in the CatEye’s running odometer later.]

I’m always a bit amazed at how quickly I lose my bike legs, even after a week of not riding, let alone two months. I was feeling pretty good the whole ride but definitely noticed a lack of pizzazz in the quads, particularly up the little inclined planes we call “hills” around these parts. I do note that there is a bit of tenderness in my ischial tuberosities, or the postérieur derrière as one might say in France, ou peut-être comme on pourrait dire en France, plutôt . Or “sit-bones”, I guess, is generally what people call them. Tenderness in the sit-bones, then.

At any rate, retesting the distance with the soon-to-be-*recalibrated CatEye and the GPS-connected Fitbit offers yet another little experiment. Perhaps the CatEye is not so trusty after all? We’ll see about that.

*Note: “recalibrate” was not included in the Chrome spellcheck database. What’s up with that? Now I’m second-guessing myself on whether or not it’s actually a word. But you know what really is a word? The word “word”.

Картошка Мужчина

Kartoshka Muzhchina

Potato Man
I’ve seen this guy around once before circa 2014

I saw this suspicious-looking potato man earlier:

Normally I’m not one to judge but there was something peculiar about the way he walked, he seemed to be up to some rather unsavory antics. Of course he just had to be wearing this ridiculously conspicuous getup but there was certainly something snazzy about the way he was dressed and that has left what is sure to be an indelible impression.

I am going to check with my sources and see if I can get any more information on this man.

[EDIT: He has been spotted again!]




Finally starting to get this thing set up us the bomb.

Things to do:

  1. get better wp theme
  2. other things

and that is a **non-exhaustive list of things to do.

It’s been a few years since being active in the *nix world so despite many years of experience with various GNU/Linux systems I’m a bit rusty with the cli stuff. Partly due to forgetting the finer points of shell commands like one-liners with cat, grep, awk and friends, partly due to systemd making almost everything I previously knew about server admin obsolete and partly due to simply being out of the loop.

Had this laptop sitting on my desk for a while not doing much of anything so decided to host some VMs on it and see what happens. Got a nice VPS running at the moment, soon to get a lot nicer. Might even start developing a Linux-from-scratch system again though probably based on Debian rather than Slackware this time around. Nothing against Slackware, I still consider Slack 8.1 the cleanest, best OS of all time but I’ve been spoiled by apt(8) et al.

Looking forward to getting back into this. Fun to have something to tinker with again.

*One may note the transliteration of “й” to “y” here and to “i” elsewhere. Apparently both are valid but google seems to think “zdravstvuyte” is more common than “zdravstvuite”. The more you know!

**If you’re wondering how this list could be “non-exhaustive” when it concludes with the non-terminating catch-all “other things” which, to a rational mind, would seem in-and-of itself exhaustive, note that it does not include “other other things”, etc. ad infinitum. Thank you for your time.

*This one is not actually a footnote, just a wildcard abbrev. for [Li]nux, [U]nix, etc., though I suppose technically not a proper wildcard considering it fails to match the “nux” part of “Linux”. Never noticed that before. Perhaps I should have put *n?x

Actually, I guess it is a footnote now, but it wasn’t intended that way.