Day three of PPL – Leg “Heavy”

“Heavy” in quotes since I’m still using relatively light weights on the barbell back squat.

Today’s leg workout went very well. Had some left-hip issues when waking up and even going into the workout but some mobility work helped and the hip “popped into place” on the second practice rep and felt better from then on. Otherwise minimal discomfort and only in the final two reps of BSQ where my form and stability started to break down. Even then the discomfort was extremely minor, wouldn’t have even mentioned it had I not had a problem with this area in the past.

Today’s exercises were (almost) three sets of the following:

  • Barbell back squat (sorta high-bar)
  • Barbell hip-thrusts
  • Back-step lunges/Single-leg calf raises superset
  • Jane Fonda ABduction/Copenhagen plank ADduction superset (only one set of these since I’m not sure how my body is going to respond)
  • Ab-wheel rollouts

Best-feeling BSQ session yet, good muscle activation and besides extremely minor discomfort on the last two reps no actual pain! Everything else was pretty uneventful but good. Some strength imbalance in the lunges with the left-side noticeably weaker but it’ll catch up. Also, not sold on the Copenhagen planks since they seemed to put a lot of lateral strain on my knees. Probably need to seek out a better leg-adduction exercise, or just support the body from the knee rather than the foot during this exercise.

Definitely feeling good leg fatigue now, like the workout hit the right spots. Can’t wait to see how my legs feel tomorrow and Friday, if DOMS is gonna be a thing here or not…