Poor sleep, poor recovery

Only slept for about 6 hours last night and woke up with some general jankiness in my left hip. Not a point pain like the tendon, etc. pains I’ve had recently, more generalized dull ache front to back. Went for a walk and it’s gotten a bit better.

Started the Wednesday workout. Started again with three sets of Chinups, felt heavier than Monday. Did two fewer reps.

Then BSQ, put the barbell a bit lower and remembered the cue to sit back a bit like sitting down on one of those folding chairs that come with portable card tables. Not sure why that specific type of chair in particular, but it just seems *right*. Really great sets, very minimal tendon pain/discomfort and felt good muscle activation in my quads. Despite the low weight this was probably my best-feeling session of barbell Back Squats yet.

BP was next, first set bailed after four reps due to gravity. Backed off the weight by 5 lbs, did two more sets of 5 and, due to lack of energy, decided to abbreviate the rest of the workout by only doing three sets each for the BOR and OHP. Started setting up for BOR and all the energy just drained out of me, like I forgot to put the plug back in after the Bench Press. Decided to bail on the rest of the workout today.

Poor sleep makes for poor recovery.