
Groin. Gorn.

Workouts have been going pretty well. The SI pain has been reduced recently. However, there is a nagging pain in the groin area near the hip crease, which seems to affect both sides, right and left, but one side or the other at a time. Felt throbbing blood vessels after the deadlifts there today which was rather disconcerting. This seemed to feel different than the “adductor tendon” pain I’ve been having recently, more generalized and in a slightly different location but nonetheless bothersome.

Squats went well enough today despite the groin pain. The idea to stop and push through the painful area slowly seems to help. Also the new cue to relax the knees and drop my body a slight bit before the squat to engage the quads more really seems to be helping feel it in the quads. Definitely felt a great quad workout today, much better than ever despite using less weight. Stability is key which is what I’m going to focus on for now. Also beginning to suspect that the pain is largely related to instability anyway so this will be a good opportunity to back off the weight again and test that theory.

Bench Press went great today. Heaviest sets in my life, and done with good form. With a couple of exceptions, my shoulders felt great and pecs felt engaged. There were a couple of bad reps which tweaked the right shoulder slightly but I think I have improved form substantially over the past couple of months.

As mentioned, the Deadlift wasn’t feeling right in the groin area, right around the hip crease. There was some pain towards the lockout point and I could really feel my pulse on both sides in the groin when sitting down after the set. Never noticed that before, maybe a bit worried about it since it’s a new phenomenon.

Took a break here and had a banana with some OJ with a dash of protein powder. Feeling a might bit peckish.

Overhead Press went well, heaviest weight there too. Good form except for a couple of wobbly lockouts. Pretty much achieved failure at the end so good session all around.

The Bent Over Rows went pretty well, heavy weight and difficult sets though ostensibly with good form. Also felt the groin pain when racking the barbell after the set.

Didn’t do the finisher exercises today due to the groin pain. Hopefully the pain rectifies itself over the next couple of days and never comes back. The end.