Dialing it back

Today I dialed back the BSQ and DL. A lot. Also cut the session after the Big-5 since it took about 2.25 hours due to recording and reviewing form videos.

Lately I’ve been having issues with adductor, hip and SI joint discomfort so it’s becoming apparent that there are some imbalances that need to be fixed before I continue with heavier weights. My upper body has relatively good strength from calisthenics but I’ve been neglecting the hips and legs for too long. Bicycling has overdeveloped the quads while letting other leg muscles remain relatively undeveloped and sitting for long periods of time has caused the gluteus medius, etc. muscles to atrophy. The result has been adductor, hip and SI joint discomfort from BSQ and DL since the tendon and muscle support is currently lacking. The fix is to do corrective exercises to develop these imbalances.

For the next few weeks I’m going to focus on only the bar for BSQ and DL, putting emphasis on great form, correct muscle activation, and adding reps as able. I started recording these lifts in an effort to spot bad form to be corrected. In addition, I’m going to regularly do corrective exercises like supine hip rotation drills, SI joint resets, lateral leg raises, clamshells, adductor squeezes, etc. This will hopefully put the parts in working order.

I’ve also dialed back the other Big-5 weights but increased volume.