success; failure

Well, Friday workout was a success; And also a failure.

The 5 main lifts went well. Tried to focus on better form with the BSQ, kept the same weight. Really felt it, especially in the glutes, nearly failed the last rep. Added another nickel for the BP for set 1, then backed off for subsequent sets. Also added a nickel for the DL, focused on better form but may have tweaked something anyway. Same weight for OHP, started with Wed’s weight with the BOR but had to back off 5 lbs for sets 3 and 4, again focusing on better form, and again might have tweaked something.

So the lower/lowest back felt fine when *doing* the big lifts but there was a weird spine/pelvis ache when standing up after setting down the bar. Then when I approached the bench to square up for the tricep kickbacks I got a painful electric jolt down my right leg and had a weird pressure at the base of my spine where it meets the pelvis. Did some rotational stretches and it started feeling better but it was very disconcerting.

Finally, got really spent after 2 supersets of FC/ABW and decided to bail, especially since by lowest back still felt a bit weird. I *might* finish these later.