Wed, worked out

Less volume overall today only 88.8% of Monday’s workout (according to my calculations), higher weights on the big lifts but fewer reps. Also started supersetting/circuiting some Single Leg Calf Raises and Hamstring Curls with the Tricep Dips and Barbell Curls. Also decided to superset some Ab-Wheel Rollouts with the Farmer’s Carry. Could probably circuit the whole last part of the workout and get some cardio as a result but the FC really do kill my forearms.

Feeling pretty good right now but also feel like maybe I took it a bit easy today. Maybe up the intensity a bit for Friday, wait and see how I feel then.

Also, the pain in the back-right of my head/neck went away the next day. Probably a result of the shoulder shrugs I added to the farmers carry, probably will be more careful with that in the future.