Followed same routine as MON WKOT, added a bit of weight where I could, added reps where I couldn’t. According to my somewhat arbitrary accounting, Wednesday’s workout increased total workout volume by 5.86% over Monday. Pretty good. Making progress. Total time was about 110 minutes, very little dilly-dallying but I did try to get 2.5-3 minutes rest between sets.

My overall goal is to keep increasing *weekly* volume indefinitely because that is a somewhat arbitrary measure of overall progress but easily quantifiable.

Felt a weird twinge in the lower right ab/groin area doing Zercher squats. Not painful but something felt off. Gonna have to pay attention to this. Also didn’t really fully extend the Overhead Presses so need to pay more attention next time. Otherwise everything went rather well if I do say so myself.

Felt pretty good all day after Monday’s workout, started feeling increasingly sore Tuesday, felt better this morning before working out, so the DOMS were rather limited. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow.