Viped oot

Finished Friday barbell workout. Wasn’t the best workout I’ve ever had.

Decided to try working out a bit later in the day so I could eat a proper meal before lifting. Normally I have my wakeup shakeup, sit for an hour and a half or so then get to it. Around the time I was gonna start my workout today I started getting really drowsy, like I needed a 15-20 minute power nap, so I laid down and watched the ending of the international version of the Twin Peaks Pilot episode. Sorta drifted off a bit, and felt a bit better when it ended but not 100%.

Then, when warming up I was getting a grinding twinge in my right collarbone when loosening up the shoulders. Felt like something was out of whack and needed to pop.

Then, after doing the back squats I got this twinge in my lower-left abdomen, just above the groin. Didn’t start until a couple of minutes after the squats though, maybe tweaked something when moving the bench. Wasn’t really painful per se, and felt fine after about 20 minutes. Still a bit disconcerting.

Then, when doing the first set of bench press I was getting a twinge in my right shoulder and my right elbow nerve cluster was really acting up. Shoulder felt better on subsequent sets, elbow was a slight bit better but still not great. It’s been acting up a bit lately though, might be sleeping on my arm wrong since that tends to exacerbate the old elbow nerve injury.

Backed off the weight on the overhead press and deadlifts but increased reps and managed to increase overall volume on both so these went pretty well.

Then, sorta bailed on the farmer’s carry after three reps. Just didn’t really have it in me. Was actually feeling a slight bit nauseous but not from the workout itself.

So, overall a mediocre workout session, glad I did it, also glad it’s over. Still feeling a bit wonky, maybe even getting a little bug. Will probably try to workout before eating a proper meal from now on if I can though.