
Think I’ve finally reached my real working weights. Good session today, however, my lumbar spinal erectors are absolutely bushed. Didn’t do the followup set(s) of ab-wheel rollouts or push/chinups today (EDIT: went ahead and did set of ab-wheel rollouts and chiunps a couple of hours later), gotta let the lumbar region rest.

Overall volume is continuing to increase, for now. Since the lower lumbar region is getting so worked now that I’m at heavier weights with the back squat, bent over row and deadlifts I might have to reduce session volume a bit and reorganize the program sooner than anticipated.

Also, gotta remember to always keep the head forward and neck neutral. Never look to the sides, or up or down while engaged with weight. It dawned on me when racking the barbell after a set of squats that turning the head to look at the rack while disengaging the barbell could very easily lead to serious spinal injury.