Mediocre sleep

Didn’t sleep that well last night, been sorta tired all day. Could probably zonk out right now at 6:27 PM, but I’ll try to stay up as long as I can. Would rather go to sleep for the night than take a 2 hour nap and spoil my sleep for the rest of time. Or the rest of the week at least.

Did my Monday workout except for the ab-wheel rollouts which I’ll probably do soon, maybe in a half-hour or so [EDIT: ab-wheel rollouts are done now]. Still got some fried chicken and mac & cheese from dinner sloshing around in the stomach so don’t really want to stir it up more than necessary.

Didn’t add any new exercises today, didn’t feel up to it. Didn’t even really feel like doing the workout at all due to the poor rest last night but I got most of it done anyway. Spent most of the day messing around online and playing Borderlands 2 and Talos Principle VR. I’ve had Borderlands 2 for a few years but never really played it until today. Pretty fun! Got some DLC for it early this morning and let it install overnight.

I’m thinking for the Wednesday and Friday workouts this week I might switch up a bit and do 4 sets of each exercise with fewer reps per set, but with greater volume overall.