у меня нет кофе

I forgot to get coffee grounds yesterday so I couldn’t brew myself a *cuppa (coffee, that is) this morning. Instead, in the spirit of trying something new, I added a heaping teaspoon of instant coffee crystals to my morning protein shake. Of course, if you add the crystals to cold liquid they won’t dissolve and you get these little bursts of bitterness, so I added them to about one ounce of milk and warmed it in the microwave for 11 seconds to get the crystals to dissolve, then just threw it in there. Not too bad, still would rather have a normal cuppa joe though.

Also, accidentally got chunky peanut butter instead of creamy. As one of my shake ingredients it’s a bit disconcerting to have chunks of, well, anything really, in the liquid shake and, unfortunately, unlike coffee crystals, peanut crystals don’t dissolve in heat.

*I hope Her Majesty The Queen won’t have me hanged from a yardarm on the flagship of the Royal Navy for misappropriating “cuppa” to refer to coffee rather than a more civilized beverage.