Matrix ][ Trance Mix

This tune. First found it on a CD of free .mp3 files that came with a spindle of, IIRC, Memorex CDR discs sometime in 2000.

This was one of the first legitimate .mp3 tunes (as opposed to downloading from e.g. Napster) that I actually listened to, used to have it in my “computer stuff” playlist so it would pop up when I’d be programming or something. I don’t usually like electronica so this tune is not something I’d normally find appealing but the part of this tune starting at 1:46 reminded me of a good friend I’ll never see again.

So I had this tune on the CD and it was laying around for years but somehow got lost at some point. Then the memory of the tune existing got lost. Occasionally I’d remember something vague about it but not enough to find it again so it became something of an intermittent white whale of mine. That is until sometime late last year when I happened upon some old .mp3 files that I thought had gone missing and painstakingly went through them until I found my whale.

So here it is, Matrix ][ Trance Mix by The Cynic Project