DIY Literal Foot Powder

As noted in this post from November 26 here is my idea for DIY literal foot powder. Others have also had this idea but I got to the patent office first. Unfortunately the patent officers laughed me out of their little patent club and made me feel real bad but who gets the last laugh now, suckers? In fact they’re still probably chuckling about the clown with the silly ideas from time to time, at my expense no doubt, so it’s probably fair to say they will have the last laugh after all so now I feel bad again. Anyway, without further ado:

DIY Literal Foot Powder featuring Snagglepuss as Himself even!

Xmas time is nigh upon us

Merry Christmas from the Pambulon Heights Donut Club!

The Xmas decorations finally went up at the Pambulon Heights HQ  so the Christmas Spirit® is filling the air. I mean literally, it’s getting hard to breathe in here. On second thought it might be the Pine-Sol, but either way it smells like evergreen trees and I’m catching a nice buzz from all the holiday cheer. Also, feel like I might puke.

How to get sleep dreaming of sandwich dreams

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately due to having these dreams of a sandwich who is, in turn, having dreams of me eating it. It’s very disconcerting and constantly wakes me up so it was with great relief when I stumbled upon this WikiHow graphic that helps explain how to deal with this exact perturbing situation:

Unfortunately I have to wear a wig in my sleep or else the sandwich in my dream won’t recognize me.

Words of wisdom

Some men get grapefruit, some grape get fruitman. But everybody knows grapefruit look big to little men.

Probably made more sense to whoever came up with it but it’s hard to deny the “big-T” Truth to it.


According to the Fitbit sleep tracking it seems that I generally get more REM sleep if I sleep with the TV on. Not that I necessarily trust the accuracy of the sleep-stage tracking but I still find it interesting that there seems to be a direct correlation between whatever data the Fitbit is gathering and whether or not the TV is on while I’m sleeping.

Gonna have to run an experiment on this for a while.