When everything is nails all you need is a hammer

Physical host of the ephemeral boioioing.org website and home of the Pambulon Heights Donut Club
boioioing.org actual

Today I’d like to spruce up the global, nay Intergalactic HQ  of the Pambulon Heights Donut Club. Order of instructions:

  1. Write this post.
  2. Procrastinate
  3. ???


Then at some point I’ll tidy up this desk which is housing the laptop serving this, and other websites.

EDIT: This post has been written so I’ve stricken item 1.

EDIT 2: It’s about closing time and I still haven’t gotten to this today so I’ve also stricken item 2. Pretty good! I accomplished two of the three things on my list. That makes for a pretty productive day if I say so myself.

If only I knew what the third thing was supposed to be. For all I know I might have accidentally accomplished that one too.